World Currency
Industry-standard pricing for collectibles since 1963
- Abkhazia
- Abyssinia
- Afghanistan
- Albania
- Algeria
- Andorra
- Angola
- Antigua
- Arab Republic of Yemen
- Argentina
- Armenia
- Aruba
- Australia
- Austria
- Austria-Hungary
- Azerbaijan
- Azerbaijan Autonomous Republic
- Azores
- Bahamas
- Bahrain
- Bangladesh
- Barbados
- Belarus
- Belgian Congo
- Société Générale (General Company)
- Banque de Belgique (Bank of Belgium)
- Banque Liégeoise et Caisse d’Éspargnes (Liège Bank and Savings)
- Banque de Flandre (Bank of Flanders)
- Banque Nationale de Belgique (National Bank of Belgium)
- Banque d’Emission à Bruxelles (Bank of Issue in Brussels)
- Royaume de Belgique Trésorerie (Kingdom of Belgium Treasury)
- Belize
- Bermuda
- Bhutan
- Biafra
- Bohemia and Moravia
- Bolivia
- Bosnia-Herzegovenia
- Botswana
- Brazil
- British Caribbean Territories
- British Guiana
- British Honduras
- British North Borneo
- British Solomon Islands
- British West Africa
- Brunei
- Bulgaria
- Burma
- Burundi
- Cambodia
- Cameroon
- Canada
- Cape Verde
- Cayman Islands
- Central African Empire
- Central African Republic
- Central African States
- Verenigode Oostindische Compagnie (Dutch East India Company)
- General Treasury
- Bank of Ceylon
- Mercantile Bank of India, London and China
- Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, London and China
- Oriental Bank
- Oriental Bank Corporation
- Asiatic Banking Corporation
- Government of Ceylon
- Central Bank of Ceylon
- Chad
- Chile
China National Banks
- Imperial Treasury
- Board of Revenue (戸部)
- Imperial Bank of China (行銀商通國中)
- Commercial Bank of China (行銀商通國中)
- Board of Revenue Bank (行銀部戸)
- Ta-Ching Government Bank (行銀部戸清大)
- Shenyang Ta-Ching Government Bank (行銀部戸清大天奉)
- Beijing Ta-Ching Government Bank (行銀部戸清大京北)
- Ta-Ching Government Bank (行銀清大)
- Shaanxi Ta-Ching Government Bank (行銀清大西陕)
- Kaifeng Ta-Ching Government Bank (行銀清大封開)
- Yunnan Ta-Ching Government Bank (行銀清大南雲)
- Jilin Ta-Ching Government Bank (行銀清大林吉)
- Guangzhou Ta-Ching Government Bank (行銀清大州廣)
- Bank of China (行銀國中)
- Bank of China - Foreign Exchange Certificates (中国銀行)
- National Commercial Bank (行銀業興江淅)
- General Bank of Communications (行銀通交)
- Bank of Communications (行銀通交)
- Ningpo Commercial Bank Limited (行銀月四海上)
- Ningpo Commercial Bank (行銀月四)
- Ningpo Commercial & Savings Bank (行銀月四)
- Ministry of Finance Market Stabilization Monetary Bureau (局銭官市平部政財)
- Bank of Territorial Development (行銀邊殖)
- Bank of Agriculture and Commerce (行銀商農)
- China & South Sea Bank (行銀南中)
- Industrial Development Bank of China (行銀業勤)
- Tah Chung Bank (行銀中大)
- National Industrial Bank of China (行銀業實國中)
- China Silk and Tea Industrial Bank (行銀茶絲國中)
- Agricultural and Industrial Bank of China (行銀工農國中)
- Land Bank of China (行銀業墾國中)
- Central Bank of China (行銀央中)
- Central Bank of China Jiangxi Branch
- Central Bank of China Tsingdao Branch (行分島青行銀央中)
- Farmers Bank of China (行銀民農國中)
- People's Bank of China (行銀民人國中)
China Occupation
- Greater Japan Imperial Government (府政國帝本日大)
- Jidong Bank (行銀東冀)
- Chanan Bank (察南銀行)
- Mengjiang Bank (行銀疆蒙)
- Federal Reserve Bank of China (行銀備準合聯國中)
- Hua Hsing Commercial Bank (行銀業商興華)
- Xiamen Special Municipality Government (府政市市別特門廈)
- Central Reserve Bank of China (行銀備儲央中)
- Amoy Industrial Bank (行銀業勤門廈)
- Greater Japan Southern Expeditionary Army Headquarters (大日本南支派遣軍司令官)
- Red Army Headquarters (蘇聯紅軍司令部)
China Foreign Banks
- Asiatic Banking Corporation (亜西亜國銀行)
- Agra & United Service Bank (呵加剌滙理銀行)
- Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, London & China (印度倫敦中國三越匯理銀行)
- Chartered Bank of India, Australia & China (銀行理滙國中山金新度印)
- Oriental Bank Corporation (東藩匯理銀行)
- Agra & Masterman’s Bank (呵加剌匯理銀行)
- Comptoir d’Escompte de Paris (上海法蘭西銀行)
- Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation (銀行理滙海上港香)
- Banque de l’Indo-Chine
- National Bank of China (Shanghai)
- Russo-Chinese Bank
- Russo-Asiatic Bank
- Banque Sino-Belge
- Banque Belge Pour l’Etranger
- Yokohama Specie Bank
- Chinese Engineering & Mining Co.
- International Banking Corporation
- Asia Banking Corporation
- Bank of Taiwan
- Deutsch-Asiatische Bank
- Netherlands Trading Society
- British & Belgian Industrial Bank of China
- Banque Industrielle de Chine
- Mercantile Bank of India
- Bank of Canton
- American-Oriental Banking Corporation
- American-Oriental Bank of Szechuan
- American-Oriental Bank of Fukien
- Exchange Bank of China
- Chinese-American Bank of Commerce
- Chinese Italian Banking Corporation
- Industrial and Commercial Bank
- Park-Union Foreign Banking Corporation
- China Specie Bank
- Sino-Scandinavian Bank
- Credit Commercial Sino-Français
- Bank of East Asia
- National Commercial and Savings Bank
- Asiatic Commercial Bank
China Military Banks
- Republican China Military (軍国民華中)
- Dahan Bank (行銀漢大)
- Bank of Sichuan (行銀川四)
- Kiang-Se Bank of the Republic (行銀國民省赣)
- Republican China Military Bank An Hwei (行銀華中徽安)
- Republican Government of China (陸軍部)
- Republic of China Guangdong Province Military Government (府政軍省粤国民華中)
- Wang-Ho Bank of the Republic (府分政軍蕪皖)
- Gansu Official Bank (號銀官粛甘)
- Yunnan-Guangdong-Guangxi United Army for Jiangxi Relief (軍聯赣援桂粵滇)
- Chinese National Pacification Army (軍國靖國民華中)
- Anhui Province Military (軍省全徽安)
- Yunnan National Pacification Army (軍國靖南雲)
- Sichuan Bank (行銀川四)
- Chongqing Official Bank (行銀官慶重)
- National Bank of China (Guangdong) (行銀民国華中)
- Guilin Regional Bank (行銀方地林桂)
- Guangxi Military (軍西廣)
- Kwang Tung Provincial Treasury (庫金省東廣)
- Army for the Suppression of Yunnan (部令司軍滇定)
- Three Eastern Provinces Military (軍省三東)
- Bank of the Northwest (行銀北西)
- Hunan Provincial Treasury (庫金省南湖)
- National Revolutionary Army (部会司總軍命革民國)
- Provincial Army of Shantung (軍省東山)
- Shandong Provincial Treasury (庫金省東山)
- Zhenwei 3rd & 4th Army Corps (兵國軍面方四三第威鎮)
- Ministry of Finance Military Requisition Bureau (局兌滙需軍部政財)
- People’s National Army (軍民國)
- Changsha Bank (行銀沙長)
- Republic of China Army Navy & Airforce General Headquarters (部令司總軍空海陸国民華中)
- National Bank of China (Beijing) (行銀家国華中)
China Communist Banks
- West Hupeh Peoples & Farmers Bank
- Hubei-Henan-Anhui Special District Soviet Bank
- Hubei-Henan-Anhui District Soviet Bank
- Hubei-Henan-Anhui Provinces Soviet Bank
- Hubei-Henan-Anhui Provinces Soviet Workers & Farmers Bank
- North Hubei Farmers Bank
- Pingjiang County Workers and Farmers Bank
- Southeast Hupeh Workers, Farmers and Soldiers Bank
- Hunan-Hubei-Jiangxi Workers & Farmers Bank
- Anhui Northwest Special District Soviet Bank
- Jiangxi Workers & Farmers Bank
- Chinese Soviet Republic National Bank
- Chinese Soviet Republic National Bank Hunan & West Hubei Special District Branch
- Chinese Soviet Republic National Bank Hunan & Jiangxi Provinces Branch
- Chinese Soviet Republic National Bank Northwest Branch
- Chinese Soviet People’s Republic National Bank
- Chinese Soviet People’s Republic National Bank Northwest Branch
- East Hubei Workers and Farmers Bank
- Southeast Hupeh Workers and Farmers Bank
- Northeast Jiangxi Soviet Bank
- Northeast Jiangxi Soviet Bank Northern Fujian Branch
- Fujian-Zhejiang-Jiangxi Soviet Bank
- Fujian-Zhejiang-Jiangxi Soviet Bank North Fujian Branch
- Sichuan-Shaanxi Provincial Soviet Government Workers and Farmers Bank
- Chinese Soviet Republic Sichuan-Shaanxi Provincial Workers and Farmers Bank
- Worker and Peasant’s Bank
- Beei Hai Bank
- Bank of Shansi, Chahar & Hopei
- Bank of Shantong
- Bank of Chinan
- Bank of West Shantung
- Farmers Bank of Northwest Shansi (Sibei Nung Min Inxang)
- Bank of Huai Nau
- Shanxi-Qahar-Hebei Border District 7th Administrative Zone Cooperative
- Kiang Hwai Bank of China
- Constructive Bank of Yuo Province
- Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border District Bank
- Dah Kiang Bank
- Bank of Central China
- Bank of Eastern Chekiang
- Bank of Eastern Chekiang Yuyao Branch
- Bank of Eastern Chekiang Three Norths Branch
- Bank of Dung Bai
- Bank of Tung Pei
- Tung Pei Bank of China
- Bank of Kiang Nau
- Bank of Nengchiang Sheeng
- Bank of Rehher Sheeng
- Farmers Bank of Chung-Chou
- Bank of Kirin
- Bank of Eastern Mongolia
- Bank of Inner Mongolia
- People’s Bank of Inner Mongolia
- Bank of Chang Chung
- Bank of Guandong
- Yunnan-Guizhou-Guangxi Border District Bureau of Trade
- Southern People’s Bank
- Fujian-Guangdong-Jiangxi Border District Bank
China Regional Banks: Northeast & Manchuria
- Yung Heng Provincial Bank of Kirin
- Kirin Yung Heng Provincial Bank
- Kirin Government Bank
- Kwang Hsing Syndicate of Heilungkiang
- Kwang Sing Company
- Fengtien Provincial Bank
- Feng Tien Government Bank
- Government Bank of Amoor
- Toon San Sang Government Bank
- Bank of the Eastern Three Provinces
- Provincial Bank of Manchuria
- Eastern Provincial Bank
- Bank of Manchuria
- Provincial Bank of the Three Eastern Provinces
- Kiang Shun Government Bank
- Hio Loong Kiang Government Bank
- Agricultural Bank Fengtien
- Shing Yeh Bank
- Kung Tsi Bank of Fengtien
- Fengtien Public Exchange Bank
- Tsihar Hsing Yeh Bank
- Provincial Bank of Heilungkiang
China Regional Banks: North
- Shaanxi Official Monetary Bureau
- Imperial Chinese Railways
- Tientsin Bank
- Beiyang Monetary Bureau
- Pei-Yang Kin-Fu Bank
- Commercial Guarantee Bank of Chihli
- Pei Yang Tientsin Bank
- Bank of Shantung
- Shan Tung Bank
- Bank of Shansi
- Shan Hsi Zing Fun Bank
- Fu Ching Bank of Shensi
- Fu Ching Chien Chu Shensi
- Fushin Mint
- Fu Ching Bank
- Provincial Bank of Chihli
- Zhoucun Commercial Bank
- Hulunbuir Official Currency Bureau
- Hsing Yeh Bank of Jehol
- Industrial Development Bank of Jehol
- Shanse Provincial Bank
- Shansi Provincial Bank
- Frontier Bank
- Suiyuan Provincial Bank
- Great Northwestern Bank
- Tsingtao City Bank
- Shantung Commercial Bank
- Provincial Bank of Shantung
- Zhili Provincial Treasury
- Monetary Bureau of Kansu Provincial Government
- Monetary Bureau of Government Kansu
- Kansu Provincial Bank
- Shantung Exchange Bureau
- Bank of Hopei 河北銀行
- Ho Pei Metropolitan Bank
- Provincial Bank of Shensi
- Fulong Bank
- Ningshia Provincial Bank
- Provincial Bank of Hopei
- Bank of Hopei 河北省銀行
- Charhar Commercial Bank
- Qingdao City Agricultural & Industrial Bank
- Bank of Local Railway of Shansi & Suiyuan
- Shensi Fu-Ching Bank
- Peiping Municipal Bank
- Shantung Min Sheng Bank
- Shanxi Provincial Railway Two Bank Joint Office
China Regional Banks: West
- Ili Monetary Bureau
- General Monetary Bureau of Xinjiang
- Xinjiang Frontier Treasury
- Xinjiang Divisional Treasury
- Xinjiang Government Treasury
- Xinjiang Ministry of Finance Treasury
- Altai
- Dihua Monetary Bureau
- Bureau of Finance Ching Hai
- Xinjiang Provincial Government Ministry of Finance Treasury
- Hotan District Adminstration
- Xinjiang Commercial & Industrial Bank
- Xinjiang Commercial & Industrial Bank Ili Branch
- Xikang Provincial Bank
- Xinjiang Provincial Bank
China Regional Banks: Central
- Hupeh Government Cash Bank
- Hupeh Provincial Bank
- Hu-Peh Government Mint
- Jiangxi Monetary Bureau
- Hunan Government Bank
- Official Mint Hu Nam
- Jiangnan Yusu Silver Monetary Bureau
- Yu Ning Imperial Bank
- Kiang-Nan Yu-Ning Government Bank
- Jiangxi Offical Bank
- Yu Chuan Honan Official Bank
- Szechuan Copper Currency Bureau
- Yue Soo Imperial Bank
- Anhui Yuwan Bank
- Kiangse Government Bank
- Kiang Su Bank
- Kiangsu Bank
- Yu Chuan Bank
- Provincial Bank of Honan
- Bank of Honan Province
- Hunan Bank
- Hunan Provincial Bank
- Hunan Pao Hsing Mineral Bank
- Hunan Industrial Bank
- Kiangsi Bank
- Kan Sen Bank of Kiangsi
- Provincial Bank of Kiangsi
- Nanking Exchange Office of the Financial Department, Kiansu
- Bank of Kiangsi
- Provincial Bank of Kiangsi
- Yü Hsiang Bank
- Yu Sien Bank
- Sichuan Official Bank
- Ssuchuan Provincial Bank
- Market Stabilization Monetary Bureau
- Jiangxi Regional Bank
- Bank of Anhui Provincial Government
- Yu Ming Bank of Kiangsi
- Hunan Provincial Bank
- Monetary Bureau of the Government of Suchow
- Chekiang Provincial Bank
- Reconstruction Bank of Kiangsi
- Agricultural Bank of Four Provinces Honan, Hupei Anhui & Kiangsi
- Local Bank of Szechuan
- Local Bank of Szechuan Wanhsien Branch
- Kiangsu Farmers Bank
- Bank of Chungking
- Szechuen Provincial Bank
- Szechwan Provincial Bank
- Szechuan Provincial Government
- Anhui Regional Bank
- Jiangsu Finance Department
- Kiangsi Provincial Bank
China Regional Banks: South
- Guangdong Currency Bureau
- Guangxi Offical Bank
- Kwangsi Bank
- Provincial Bank of Kwangsi
- Kweichow Bank
- Bank of Kweichow
- Kueichow Bank
- Provincial Bank of Kwangtung Province
- Yunnan “Fu-Tien” Bank
- Yunnan “Fio-Tien” Bank
- Foo Tifn Bank
- Fu-Tien Bank
- Provincial Bank of Yunnan
- Fukien Bank
- Fukien Provincial Bank
- South Kwongtong Industrial Bank
- Bank of Territorial Development of Yunnan
- Fukien South-Eastern Bank
- Canton Municipal Bank
- New Fu-Tien Bank
- Guizhou Provincial Government General Treasury
- Guangxi Provincial Treasury
- Guangxi Farmers Bank
- Hainan Bank
- Kwangsi Provincial Government
- Provincial Bank of Kweichow
- República de Colombia
- Tesorería General de los Estados Unidos de Nueva Granada
- Tesorería General de los Estados Unidos de Colombia
- Estados Unidos de Colombia
- Banco Nacional de los Estados Unidos de Colombia
- Banco Nacional de Colombia
- Banco Nacional de la República de Colombia
- Estados Unidos de Colombia
- Banco de la República
- Comoros
- Congo Democratic Republic
- Congo, Republic
- Cook Islands
- Costa Rica
- Croatia
- Cuba
- Cyprus
- Czech Republic
- Czechoslovakia
- Dahomey
Danish West Indies
- Copenhagen Note, Exchange, and Mortgage Bank
- Royal West Indian Guinean Interest and General Customs Chamber
- Royal General Customs and Commerce College
- Bank of Saint Thomas
- Finansministeriet Coloniernes Centralbestyrelse (Ministry of Finance Central Board of Colonies)
- Colonial Bank
- Dansk-Vestindiske Nationalbank (National Bank of the Danish West Indies)
- Danzig
- Demerary and Essequebo
- Democratic Republic of Yemen
- Denmark
- Djibouti
- Dominica
- Dominican Republic
- Duchy of Warsaw
- East Africa
- East Caribbean States
- Ecuador
- Egypt
- El Salvador
- Equatorial African States
- Equatorial Guinea
- Eritrea
- Estonia
- Eswatini
- Ethiopia
- European Monetary Union
- Falkland Islands
- Faroe Islands
- Fiji
- Finland
- Fiume
- France
- French Afars and Issas
- French Antilles
- French Cochinchina
- French Equatorial Africa
- French Guiana
- French India
- French Indo-China
- French Oceania
- French Pacific Territories
- French Somaliland
- French Sudan
- French West Africa
- Gabon
- Gambia
- Georgia
- German Democratic Republic
- German East Africa
- German New Guinea
- German-Austria
- Reichsschuldenverwaltung
- Reichsbank
- Rentenbank
- Deutsche Golddiskontbank
- Allied Military Currency
- Badische Bank
- Württembergische Notenbank
- Sächsische Bank zu Dresden
- Bayerische Notenbank
- Régie des Chemins de Fer des Territoires Occupés
- Reichskreditkassenscheine
- Deutsches Wehrmacht
- Sächsische Staatsbank
- Reichsverteidigungsbezirke Sudetenland und Niederschlesien
- Service Financier de l’Armée
- Trésor Français
- Kongelige Danske Krigsministerium
- Baden Staatsschuldenverwaltung
- Rheinland-Pfalz Landesregierung
- Württemberg-Hohenzollern Finanzministerium
- Germany, Federal Republic of
- Ghana
- Gibraltar
- Gilbert and Ellice Islands
- Provisional Administration of Greece (ΠΡΟΣΩΡΙΝΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΙΣ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ)
- First Hellenic State (ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΑ)
- National Bank of Greece (ΕΘΝΙΚΗ ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ)
- Ministry of Finance
- Kingdom of Greece (ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ)
- Bank of Greece (ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ)
- Bank of Greece - Regional Issues
- Third Hellenic State
- Cassa Mediterranea Di Credito Per La Grecia (Mediterranean Bank of Credit for Greece)
- Isole Jonie (Ionian Islands)
- Deutschewehrmacht
- Ionian Bank (ΙΟΝΙΚΗ ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ)
- Greenland
- Grenada
- Guadeloupe
- Banco Nacional de Guatemala
- Banco Internacional de Guatemala
- Banco Colombiano
- Banco de Occidente en Quezaltenango
- Banco Comercial de Guatemala
- Banco Agricola Hipotecario
- Banco Americano de Guatemala
- Banco de Guatemala
- Comite Bancario de Guatemala
- Tesorería Nacional de Guatemala
- Banco Central de Guatemala
- Banco de Guatemala
- Guernsey
- Guinea
- Guinea-Bissau
- Guyana
- Haiti
- Hawaii
- Hedjaz
- Honduras
Hong Kong
- Oriental Bank
- Oriental Bank Corporation
- Chartered Mercantile Bank of India, London and China
- Mercantile Bank of India
- Mercantile Bank Limited
- The Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China
- The Chartered Bank
- Standard Chartered Bank
- Agra and United Service Bank
- Bank of Hindustan, China and Japan
- Asiatic Banking Corporation
- Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Company
- Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation
- Commercial Bank Corporation of India and the East
- National Bank of China
- Government of Hong Kong
- Bank of China
- Hungary
- Iceland
- India
- Bank Negara Indonesia (Indonesian National Bank)
- Nederlansche Indische Civil Administrative (Netherlands Indies Civil Administration)
- Republik Indonesia Serikat (Republic of the United States of Indonesia)
- Republik Indonesia (Republic of Indonesia)
- Republik Indonesia - Borneo
- Republik Indonesia - Irian Barat
- Republik Indonesia - Riau
- Bank Indonesia
- Iran
- Iraq
- Ireland, Republic of
- Isle of Bourbon
- Isle of Man
- Isles of France and of Bourbon
- Israel
- Italian East Africa
- Italian Somaliland
- Italy
- Ivory Coast
- Jamaica
- Japan
- Jersey
- Jordan
- Kamerun
- Katanga
- Kazakhstan
- Keeling-Cocos Islands
- Kenya
- Kiau Chau
- Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes
- Korea
- Kosovo
- Kuwait
- Kyrgyzstan
- Laos
- Latvia
- Lebanon
- Leeward Islands
- Lesotho
- Liberia
- Libya
- Liechtenstein
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- Macau
- Macedonia
- Madagascar
- Madagascar and Comoros
- Madeira
- Malagasy Republic
- Malawi
- Malaya
- Malaya and British Borneo
- Malaysia
- Maldives
- Mali
- Malta
- Manchukuo
- Martinique
- Mauritania
- Mauritius
- Memel
- Mexico
- Moldova
- Monaco
- Mongolia
- Montenegro
- Morocco
- Mozambique
- Muscat and Oman
- Myanmar
- Nagorno Karabakh
- Namibia
- Nepal
- Netherlands Antilles
- Netherlands New Guinea
- New Caledonia
- New France
- New Hebrides
New Zealand
- Reserve Bank of New Zealand
- Union Bank of Australia
- New Zealand Banking Company
- Colonial Bank of Issue
- Oriental Bank Corporation
- Bank of New South Wales
- Bank of New Zealand
- Bank of Otago
- Bank of Auckland
- New Zealand Banking Corporation
- Commercial Bank of New Zealand
- Bank of Australasia
- National Bank of New Zealand
- Colonial Bank of New Zealand
- Commercial Bank of Australia
- Newfoundland
- Nicaragua
- Nigeria
- North Korea
- North Macedonia
- Northern Ireland
- Oceania
- Oman
- Pakistan
- Palestine
- Panama
- Papua New Guinea
- Paraguay
- Persia
- Peru
- Banco Español Filipino de Isabel II (Spanish-Filipino Bank of Isabel II)
- Tesoro
- Banco Español Filipino (Spanish-Filipino Bank)
- República Filipina
- Philippine Islands Treasury
- Bank of the Philippine Islands
- Philippine National Bank
- Japanese Government
- Central Bank of the Philippines
- Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
- Poland
- Portuguese Guinea
- Portuguese India
- Puerto Rico
- Qatar and Dubai
- Qatar
- Republika Srpska
- Reunion
- Rhodesia
- Rhodesia and Nyasaland
- Rif Republic
- Romania
- Russia
- Rwanda
- Rwanda and Burundi
- Saar
- Saint Helena
- Saint Kitts
- Saint Lucia
- Saint Pierre and Miquelon
- Saint Thomas
- Saint Vincent
- Samoa
- San Marino
- Sao Tome and Principe
- Sarawak
- Saudi Arabia
- Bank of Scotland
- Royal Bank of Scotland
- British Linen Company
- British Linen Bank
- Commercial Banking Company of Scotland
- Commercial Bank of Scotland
- Commercial Bank of Scotland Limited
- National Bank of Scotland
- National Bank of Scotland Limited
- North of Scotland Banking Company
- North of Scotland Bank Limited (1882-1907)
- North of Scotland and Town & County Bank Limited
- North of Scotland Bank Limited (1923-1949)
- Clydesdale Banking Company
- Clydesdale Bank Limited (1882-1949)
- Clydesdale & North of Scotland Bank Limited
- Clydesdale Bank Limited (1963-1981)
- Clydesdale Bank PLC
- Union Bank of Scotland
- Union Bank of Scotland Limited
- National Commercial Bank of Scotland
- Senegal
- Serbia
- Serbian Krajina
- Seychelles
- Siam
- Sierra Leone
- Singapore
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Solomon Islands
- Somalia
- Somaliland
- South Africa
- South Arabia
- South Korea
- South Sudan
- South Vietnam
- South West Africa
- Southern Rhodesia
- Spain
- Sri Lanka
- Straits Settlements
- Sudan
- Suriname
- Swaziland
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Syria
- Taiwan
- Tajikistan
- Tangier
- Tanzania
- Tatarstan
- Thailand
- Tibet
- Timor
- Tonga
- Trans-Dniester
- Trinidad and Tobago
- Tunisia
- Turkey
- Turkmenistan
- Turks and Caicos Islands
- Uganda
- Ukraine
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
- United Arab Emirates
- United Arab Republic
- United Kingdom
- Upper Senegal and Niger
- Uruguay
- Uzbekistan
- Vanuatu
- Estados-Unidos de Venezuela
- República de Venezuela
- Banco Central de Venezuela
- Banco Colonial Britanico
- Banco Nacional de Venezuela
- Compañía de Accionistas
- Banco de Venezuela
- Provincia de Guayana
- Banco de Londres y Venezuela
- Compañía de Crédito
- Banco de Carácas
- Estado de Guayana
- Banco de Maracaibo
- Banco Comercial
- Banco de Carabobo
- Banco de Venezuela (1890)
- Banco Carácas
- Estado Bermudez
- Banco Comercial (1916)
- Banco Comercial de Maracaibo
- Banco Venezolano de Crédito
- Banco Mercantil y Agrícola
- Ministerio de Sanidad y Asistencia Social
- Vietnam
- Weihaiwei
- West African States
- Western Samoa
- Yemen
- Yugoslavia
- Zaire
- Zambia
- Zanzibar
- Zimbabwe
- Disney Dollars
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New Zealand: New Ingot-shape Gold And Silver Proof Coins Celebrates National Olympic Team In Paris
8/9/2024 by Michael Alexander
The Reserve Bank of New Zealand have released a new range of collector coins in celebration of the Paris Olympics.

Croatia: Distinctive Traditional Costume Features On New Gold And Silver Proof And Colour Coins
8/8/2024 by Michael Alexander
The Croatian National Bank issue new gold and silver collector coins in the Croatian Heritage series.

Prominent Collector Dell Loy Hansen Submitting His Historical Collection Of U.S. Coins To CAC Grading
8/8/2024 by CAC Grading
The unprecedented crossover underscores his personal efforts to combat “grade inflation.”
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