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About This Series

The Farmers Bank of Northwest Shansi (Sibei Nung Min Inxang) series of China Communist Banks in the World Currency contains 66 distinct entries.
The institution known in Chinese as 西北農民銀行 (Northwest Farmers Bank, FNW) was founded in 1940 in the northwest of Shanxi Province, which itself is in the northeast of China. The majority of notes carry no English bank name, instead they have an additional Chinese name (Sibei Nung Min Inxang) in the now defunct Latinxua Sin Wenz (Latinized New Script) on back. A very small, but unknown, number of notes carry one of two English bank translations: Farmers Bank of Northwest Shansi or Farmers Bank of Northwest China. The latter translation is likely an error as S...

Catalog Detail

  Farmers Bank of Northwest Shansi (Sibei Nung Min Inxang) Value Range Favorite
Farmers Bank of Northwest Shansi (Sibei Nung Min Inxang) Value Range  
5分 (fen) (B24501a)
5分 (fen) (B24501as1)
5分 (fen) (B24501as2)
角壹 (1 jiao) = 10 (cents) (B24502a)
角貮 (2 jiao) = 20 (cents) (B24503a)
角貮 (2 jiao) = 20 (cents) (B24503as)
角伍 (5 jiao) = 50 (cents) (B24504a)
角伍 (5 jiao) = 50 (cents) (B24505a)

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CDN Sponsors

角伍 (5 jiao) = 50 (cents) (B24506a)
角伍 (5 jiao) = 50 (cents) (B24506as)
1 yuan (B24507a)
1 yuan (B24507ap)
1圓 (yuan) (B24508a)
2 yan (yuan) (B24509a)
2 yan (yuan) (B24510a)
2 yan (yuan) (B24510as)
5圓 (yuan) (B24511a)
5圓 (yuan) (B24511as)
10 yan (yuan) (B24512a)
50 yan (yuan) (B24513a)
50 yan (yuan) (B24513as)
50 yan (yuan) (B24514a)
50 yan (yuan) (B24514ap)

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CDN Sponsors

50 yan (yuan) (B24515a)
50 yan (yuan) (B24515b)
50 yan (yuan) (B24515p)
50 yuan (B24516a)
50 yuan (B24516as)
100 yan (yuan) (B24517a)
100 yan (yuan) (B24517as)
100 yan (yuan) (B24518a)
100 yan (yuan) (B24518as)
100 yan (yuan) (B24519a)
10圓 (yuan) (B24520a)
10圓 (yuan) (B24520ap)
100圓 (yuan) (B24521a)
100圓 (yuan) (B24521ar)
500 yan (yuan) (B24522a)

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CDN Sponsors

500 yan (yuan) (B24522b)
500 yan (yuan) (B24522bs)
500 yuan (yuan) (B24523a)
500 yuan (yuan) (B24523as)
100圓 (yuan) (B24524a)
100圓 (yuan) (B24524as)
500 yuan (B24526a)
1,000圓 (yuan) (B24527a)
1,000圓 (yuan) (B24527as)
1,000圓 (yuan) (B24528a)
2,000圓 (yuan) (B24529a)
2,000圓 (yuan) (B24530a)
2,000圓 (yuan) (B24531a)
5,000圓 (yuan) (B24532a)
5,000圓 (yuan) (B24532as)

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CDN Sponsors

5,000圓 (yuan) (B24533a)
10,000 yan (yuan) (B24534a)
10,000 yan (yuan) (B24534as)
10,000 yan (yuan) (B24534at)
1,000圓 (yuan) (B24535a)
5,000 yan (yuan) (B24536a)
5,000 yan (yuan) (B24536as)
10,000圓 (yuan) (B24537a)
10,000圓 (yuan) (B24537b)
10,000 yan (yuan) (B24538a)
10,000 yan (yuan) (B24538b)
50,000 yan (yuan) (B24539a)
50,000 yan (yuan) (B24539as)

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Greysheet Catalog Details

The Farmers Bank of Northwest Shansi (Sibei Nung Min Inxang) series of China Communist Banks in the World Currency contains 66 distinct entries.
The institution known in Chinese as 西北農民銀行 (Northwest Farmers Bank, FNW) was founded in 1940 in the northwest of Shanxi Province, which itself is in the northeast of China. The majority of notes carry no English bank name, instead they have an additional Chinese name (Sibei Nung Min Inxang) in the now defunct Latinxua Sin Wenz (Latinized New Script) on back. A very small, but unknown, number of notes carry one of two English bank translations: Farmers Bank of Northwest Shansi or Farmers Bank of Northwest China. The latter translation is likely an error as S...

Catalog Detail