Glossary of numismatic terms


A symbol or image that is made part of a piece of paper, especially that used on paper money as a counterfeit deterrent. Watermarks can generally only be seen when the paper is held before a light source.

Watermelon Note

Numismatic nickname for the $100 Series of 1890 Treasury Notes (Coin Notes) with two zeros on the back in the fanciful form, fancifully, of watermelons. Also see Grand Watermelon Note.

Western Facility

Branch currency facility of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing established at Fort Worth, Texas, in the late 19th century. Bills made there are imprinted FW at the face plate number.


Lincoln cents with the wheat ears reverse, issued from 1909 to 1958.


Artificial luster made by brushing a coin to make it look like a higher-grade piece.