Glossary of numismatic terms
Rainbow Note
Nickname for a Series of 1869 Legal Tender Note so called from the colorful face.
Informal description of a coin or bank note that has not been encapsulated by an independent grading service.
Red Book
R.S. Yeoman’s A Guide Book of United States Coins, edited and updated annually to report current retail market conditions.
reeded edge
The edge of a coin with grooved lines that run vertically around its perimeter, as seen on modern United States silver and clad coins.
Refunding Certificate
Interest-bearing $10 certificate, not a currency note, issued in 1879.
regional letter
See National Bank Note regional letter.
Any part of a coin’s design that is raised above the coin’s field is said to be in relief. The opposite of relief is incuse, meaning sunk into the field.
a minimum dollar amount that the owner of an item up for auction will accept as the winning bid in the auction.
A coin struck from genuine dies at a later date than the original issue.
The (back or tails) side of a coin carrying the design of lesser importance. Opposite of the obverse side.
reverse cameo
On some modern Proof coins, the contrast between a brilliant mirror-like portrait or devices, and frosted fields in the background.
reverse proof
A coin finish in which devices are in mirror relief on a frosted background.
The veinal details of leaves on many Canadian coin designs.
The raised outer portion of a coin that protects the design from wear.
rim nicks
Contact damage to a coin’s rim, analogous to bagmarks on the surfaces.
rotated die
A coin struck with one of its dies misaligned from its normal (coin or medal) orientation.
A round one-ounce silver medal or bullion piece.