Glossary of numismatic terms
Delicate scratches on the surface of a coin.
half eagle
The United States five-dollar gold coin minted from 1795 to 1929.
Hard Times tokens
Pieces of a political or advertising nature, privately made and used as money during Andrew Jackson’s presidency (1834–1841). Most are approximately the size and value of the then-current U.S. large cent.
Hawaii Note
Numismatic name for certain $1 Silver Certificates and $5, $10, and $20 Federal Reserve Notes with brown seals and HAWAII overprinted on both sides, issued in Hawaii during World War II.
holey dollar
A Spanish or Spanish-American eight-reales coin that was repurposed in 1813 to alleviate a coin shortage on Prince Edward Island. One thousand of the coins were counterstamped and had a plug cut from the center.
The result of an advanced form of photography invented in 1947 that allows an image to be recorded and viewed in three dimensions.
The positive-image steel punch to impress a coin’s design into a die for coinage.