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  20 Centavos (1905-) Value Range Favorite
20 Centavos (1905-) Value Range  
1905-M 20c Type 1, .800, KM-435 MS
$11.00 - $195.00
1906-M 20c Reform, Type A1, .800, KM-435 MS
$8.00 - $175.00
1907-M 20c Reform, Type A1, .800, Straight 7, KM-435 MS
$11.00 - $525
1907-M 20c Reform, Type A1, .800, Curved 7, KM-435 MS
$11.00 - $260
1908-M 20c Reform, Type A1, .800, KM-435 MS
$90.00 - $12,000
1910-M 20c Reform, Type A1, .800, KM-435 MS
$12.00 - $195.00
1910-M 20c Reform, Type A1, .800, Second 1/Inverted 1, KM-435 MS
$11.00 - $340
1911-M 20c Reform, Type A1, .800, KM-435 MS
$13.50 - $235.00

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1912-M 20c Reform, Type A1, .800, KM-435 MS
$38.00 - $675
1913-M 20c Reform, Type A1, .800, KM-435 MS
$12.00 - $120.00
1914-M 20c Reform, Type A1, .800, Narrow Date, KM-435 MS
$12.00 - $240.00
1914-M 20c Reform, Type A1, .800, Wide Date, KM-435 MS
$12.00 - $165.00
1919-M 20c Type 2, Little .800, KM-436 MS
$28.00 - $425
1920-Mo 20c Type 3, Monogram, KM-437 MS BN
$60.00 - $650
1935-Mo 20c Type 3, Monogram, KM-437 MS BN
$13.50 - $235.00
1920-M 20c Type 4, .720, KM-438 MS
$16.00 - $230.00
1921-M 20c Type 4, .720, KM-438 MS
$16.00 - $195.00
1925-M 20c Type 4, .720, KM-438 MS
$13.50 - $230.00
1926/5-M 20c Type 4, .720, KM-438 MS
$32.00 - $480
1926-M 20c Type 4, .720, KM-438 MS
$13.50 - $155.00
1927-M 20c Type 4, .720, KM-438 MS
$13.50 - $170.00
1928-M 20c Type 4, .720, KM-438 MS
$5.50 - $75.00
1930-M 20c Type 4, .720, KM-438 MS
$9.50 - $390

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1930-M 20c Type 4, .720, Low 0, KM-438 MS
$9.50 - $100.00
1930-M 20c Type 4, .720, High 0, KM-438 MS
$9.50 - $100.00
1933-M 20c Type 4, .720, KM-438 MS
$5.50 - $75.00
1933-M 20c Type 4, .720, High Second 3, KM-438 MS
$5.50 - $75.00
1934-M 20c Type 4, .720, KM-438 MS
$5.50 - $75.00
1935-M 20c Type 4, .720, KM-438 MS
$5.50 - $75.00
1937-M 20c Type 4, .720, KM-438 MS
$4.10 - $165.00
1939-M 20c Type 4, .720, KM-438 MS
$4.10 - $55.00
1940-M 20c Type 4, .720, KM-438 MS
$4.10 - $110.00
1941-M 20c Type 4, .720, KM-438 MS
$4.10 - $55.00
1942-M 20c Type 4, .720, KM-438 MS
$4.10 - $55.00
1943-M 20c Type 4, .720, KM-438 MS
$4.10 - $55.00
1943-Mo 20c Type 5, Pyramid, KM-439 MS BN
1944-Mo 20c Type 5, Pyramid, KM-439 MS BN
1945-Mo 20c Type 5, Pyramid, KM-439 MS BN

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1946-Mo 20c Type 5, Pyramid, KM-439 MS BN
1951-Mo 20c Type 5, Pyramid, KM-439 MS BN
1952-Mo 20c Type 5, Pyramid, KM-439 MS BN
1953-Mo 20c Type 5, Pyramid, KM-439 MS BN
1954-Mo 20c Type 5, Pyramid, KM-439 MS BN
1955-Mo 20c Type 5, Pyramid, KM-439 MS BN
1955-Mo 20c Type 6, New Eagle, KM-440 MS RD
1956-Mo 20c Type 6, New Eagle, KM-440 MS RD
1957-Mo 20c Type 6, New Eagle, KM-440 MS RD
1959-Mo 20c Type 6, New Eagle, KM-440 MS RD
1960-Mo 20c Type 6, New Eagle, KM-440 MS RD
1963-Mo 20c Type 6, New Eagle, KM-440 MS RD
1964-Mo 20c Type 6, New Eagle, KM-440 MS RD
1965-Mo 20c Type 6, New Eagle, KM-440 MS RD
1966-Mo 20c Type 6, New Eagle, KM-440 MS RD

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1967-Mo 20c Type 6, New Eagle, KM-440 MS RD
1968-Mo 20c Type 6, New Eagle, KM-440 MS RD
1969-Mo 20c Type 6, New Eagle, KM-440 MS RD
1970-Mo 20c Type 6, New Eagle, KM-440 MS RD
1971-Mo 20c Type 6, New Eagle, KM-440 MS RD
1971-Mo 20c Type 7, Restyled Eagle, KM-441 MS RD
1973-Mo 20c Type 7, Restyled Eagle, KM-441 MS RD
1974-Mo 20c Type 7, Restyled Eagle, KM-441 MS RD
1974-Mo 20c Type 8, Madero, KM-442 MS
1975-Mo 20c Type 8, Madero, KM-442 MS
1976-Mo 20c Type 8, Madero, KM-442 MS
1977-Mo 20c Type 8, Madero, KM-442 MS
1977-Mo 20c Type 8, Madero, Doubled Die Reverse, KM-442 MS
1978-Mo 20c Type 8, Madero, KM-442 MS
1978-Mo 20c Type 8, Madero, Doubled Die Reverse, KM-442 MS

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1979-Mo 20c Type 8, Madero, KM-442 MS
1979-Mo 20c Type 8, Madero, Doubled Die Reverse, KM-442 MS
1979-Mo 20c Type 8, KM-442 MS
1980-Mo 20c Type 8, Madero, KM-442 MS
1980/79-Mo 20c Type 8, Madero, KM-442 MS
1981-Mo 20c Type 8, Madero, Open 8, KM-442 MS
1981-Mo 20c Type 8, Madero, Closed 8, High Date, KM-442 MS
1981-Mo 20c Type 8, Madero, Closed 8, Low Date, KM-442 MS
1981/2-Mo 20c Type 8, Madero, KM-442 MS
1982-Mo 20c Type 8, Madero, Short Lapel, KM-442 MS
1982-Mo 20c Type 8, Madero, Long Lapel, KM-442 MS
1983-Mo 20c Type 8, Madero, Round-Top 3, KM-442 MS
1983-Mo 20c Type 8, Madero, Flat-Top 3, KM-442 MS
1983-Mo 20c Type 8, Madero, KM-442 PR
1979-Mo 20c PR

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1981-Mo 20c dot after "C" in Centavos PR
1980-Mo 20c PR
1980-Mo 20c PR
1981-Mo 20c PR
1983-Mo 20c Type 9, Olmec, KM-491 MS
1983-Mo 20c Type 9, Olmec, KM-491 PR
1984-Mo 20c Type 9, Olmec, KM-491 MS
1992-Mo 20c Reform, Type A1, KM-548 MS
1993-Mo 20c Reform, Type A1, KM-548 MS
1994-Mo 20c Reform, Type A1, KM-548 MS
1995-Mo 20c Reform, Type A1, KM-548 MS
1995-Mo 20c Reform, Type A1, KM-548 PR
1996-Mo 20c Reform, Type A1, KM-548 MS
1997-Mo 20c Reform, Type A1, KM-548 MS
1998-Mo 20c Reform, Type A1, KM-548 MS

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1999-Mo 20c Reform, Type A1, KM-548 MS
2000-Mo 20c Reform, Type A1, KM-548 MS
2001-Mo 20c Reform, Type A1, KM-548 MS
2002-Mo 20c Reform, Type A1, KM-548 MS
2003-Mo 20c Reform, Type A1, KM-548 MS
2004-Mo 20c Reform, Type A1, KM-548 MS
2005-Mo 20c Reform, Type A1, KM-548 MS
2006-Mo 20c Reform, Type A1, KM-548 MS
2007-Mo 20c Reform, Type A1, KM-548 MS
2008-Mo 20c Reform, Type A1, KM-548 MS
2009-Mo 20c Reform, Type A1, KM-548 MS
2009-Mo 20c Reform, Type A2, KM-935 MS
2010-Mo 20c Reform, Type A2, KM-935 MS
2011-Mo 20c Reform, Type A2, KM-935 MS
2012-Mo 20c Reform, Type A2, KM-935 MS

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2013-Mo 20c Reform, Type A2, KM-935 MS
2014-Mo 20c Reform, Type A2, KM-935 MS
2015-Mo 20c Reform, Type A2, KM-935 MS
2016-Mo 20c Reform, Type A2, KM-935 MS
2017-Mo 20c Reform, Type A2, KM-935 MS
2018-Mo 20c Reform, Type A2, KM-935 MS
2019-Mo 20c Reform, Type A2, KM-935 MS
2021-Mo 20c Reform, Type A2, KM-935 MS

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