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Greysheet & CPG® PRICE GUIDE

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  5 Pfennig - Iron (1915-1922) Value Range Favorite
5 Pfennig - Iron (1915-1922) Value Range  
1915-A 5 Pfg Iron MS
1915-A 5 Pfg Iron PR
1915-D 5 Pfg Iron MS
1915-D 5 Pfg Iron PR
1915-E 5 Pfg Iron MS
1915-E 5 Pfg Iron PR
1915-F 5 Pfg Iron MS
1915-F 5 Pfg Iron PR

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CDN Sponsors

1915-G 5 Pfg Iron MS
1915-G 5 Pfg Iron PR
1915-J 5 Pfg Iron MS
1915-J 5 Pfg Iron PR
1916-A 5 Pfg MS
1916-D 5 Pfg MS
1916-D 5 Pfg PR
1916-E 5 Pfg MS
1916-E 5 Pfg PR
1916-F 5 Pfg MS
1916-F 5 Pfg PR
1916-G 5 Pfg MS
1916-G 5 Pfg PR
1916-J 5 Pfg MS
1916-J 5 Pfg PR

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CDN Sponsors

1917-A 5 Pfg MS
1917-A 5 Pfg PR
1917-D 5 Pfg MS
1917-D 5 Pfg PR
1917-E 5 Pfg MS
1917-E 5 Pfg PR
1917-F 5 Pfg MS
1917-F 5 Pfg PR
1917-G 5 Pfg MS
1917-G 5 Pfg PR
1917-J 5 Pfg MS
1917-J 5 Pfg PR
1918-A 5 Pfg MS
1918-A 5 Pfg PR
1918-D 5 Pfg MS

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CDN Sponsors

1918-D 5 Pfg PR
1918-E 5 Pfg MS
1918-E 5 Pfg PR
1918-F 5 Pfg MS
1918-F 5 Pfg PR
1918-G 5 Pfg MS
1918-G 5 Pfg PR
1918-J 5 Pfg MS
1918-J 5 Pfg PR
1919-A 5 Pfg MS
1919-A 5 Pfg PR
1919-D 5 Pfg MS
1919-D 5 Pfg PR
1919-E 5 Pfg MS
1919-E 5 Pfg PR

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CDN Sponsors

1919-F 5 Pfg MS
1919-F 5 Pfg PR
1919-F 5 Pfg PR CAM
1919-G 5 Pfg MS
1919-G 5 Pfg PR
1919-G 5 Pfg PR CAM
1919-J 5 Pfg MS
1919-J 5 Pfg MS CAM
1919-J 5 Pfg PR
1919-J 5 Pfg PR CAM
1920-A 5 Pfg MS
1920-A 5 Pfg MS CAM
1920-A 5 Pfg PR
1920-A 5 Pfg PR CAM
1920-D 5 Pfg MS
1920-D 5 Pfg MS CAM
1920-D 5 Pfg PR
1920-D 5 Pfg PR CAM
1920-E 5 Pfg MS
1920-E 5 Pfg PR
1920-F 5 Pfg MS
1920-F 5 Pfg PR
1920-G 5 Pfg MS

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CDN Sponsors

1920-G 5 Pfg PR
1920-J 5 Pfg MS
1920-J 5 Pfg PR
1921-A 5 Pfg MS
1921-A 5 Pfg PR
1921-D 5 Pfg MS
1921-D 5 Pfg PR
1921-E 5 Pfg MS
1921-E 5 Pfg PR
1921-F 5 Pfg MS
1921-F 5 Pfg PR
1921-G 5 Pfg MS
1921-G 5 Pfg PR
1921-J 5 Pfg MS
1921-J 5 Pfg PR

Visit these great CDN Sponsors

CDN Sponsors

1922-A 5 Pfg MS
1922-A 5 Pfg PR
1922-D 5 Pfg MS
1922-D 5 Pfg PR
1922-E 5 Pfg MS
1922-E 5 Pfg PR
1922-F 5 Pfg MS
1922-F 5 Pfg PR
1922-G 5 Pfg MS
1922-G 5 Pfg PR
1922-J 5 Pfg MS
1922-J 5 Pfg PR

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