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  Federal Reserve Notes - Small ($2) Value Range Favorite
Federal Reserve Notes - Small ($2) Value Range  
1976 $2 (Fr. 1935TYPE) Type Coin
$2.70 - $27.00
1976 $2 Boston (Fr. 1935A)
$3.40 - $27.00
1976 $2 Replacement, Boston (Fr. 1935A*)
$19.00 - $60.00
1976 $2 New York (Fr. 1935B)
$3.40 - $27.00
1976 $2 Replacement, New York (Fr. 1935B*)
$19.00 - $215.00
1976 $2 Philadelphia (Fr. 1935C)
$3.40 - $27.00
1976 $2 Replacement, Philadelphia (Fr. 1935C*)
$22.00 - $90.00
1976 $2 Cleveland (Fr. 1935D)
$3.40 - $27.00
1976 $2 Replacement, Cleveland (Fr. 1935D*)
$27.00 - $95.00
1976 $2 Richmond (Fr. 1935E)
$3.40 - $27.00
1976 $2 Replacement, Richmond (Fr. 1935E*)
$55.00 - $260
1976 $2 Atlanta (Fr. 1935F)
$3.40 - $27.00
1976 $2 Replacement, Atlanta (Fr. 1935F*)
$19.00 - $60.00
1976 $2 Chicago (Fr. 1935G)
$3.40 - $27.00
1976 $2 Replacement, Chicago (Fr. 1935G*)
$55.00 - $95.00

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1976 $2 St. Louis (Fr. 1935H)
$3.40 - $27.00
1976 $2 Replacement, St. Louis (Fr. 1935H*)
$19.00 - $60.00
1976 $2 Minneapolis (Fr. 1935I)
$3.40 - $27.00
1976 $2 Replacement, Minneapolis (Fr. 1935I*)
$115.00 - $135.00
1976 $2 Kansas City (Fr. 1935J)
$20.00 - $70.00
1976 $2 Replacement, Kansas City (Fr. 1935J*)
$115.00 - $170.00
1976 $2 Dallas (Fr. 1935K)
$3.40 - $27.00
1976 $2 Replacement, Dallas (Fr. 1935K*)
$23.00 - $95.00
1976 $2 San Francisco (Fr. 1935L)
$3.40 - $27.00
1976 $2 Replacement, San Francisco (Fr. 1935L*)
$27.00 - $95.00
1995 $2 Replacement, Boston (Fr. 1936A*)
1995 $2 Replacement, New York (Fr. 1936B*)
1995 $2 Replacement, Philadelphia (Fr. 1936C*)
1995 $2 Replacement, Cleveland (Fr. 1936D*)
1995 $2 Replacement, Richmond (Fr. 1936E*)
1995 $2 Atlanta (Fr. 1936F)
1995 $2 Replacement, Atlanta (Fr. 1936F*)
1995 $2 Replacement, Chicago (Fr. 1936G*)
1995 $2 Replacement, St. Louis (Fr. 1936H*)
1995 $2 Replacement, Minneapolis (Fr. 1936I*)

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1995 $2 Replacement, Kansas City (Fr. 1936J*)
1995 $2 Replacement, Dallas (Fr. 1936K*)
1995 $2 Replacement, San Francisco (Fr. 1936L*)
2003 $2 Replacement, Boston (Fr. 1937A*)
2003 $2 Replacement, New York (Fr. 1937B*)
2003 $2 Replacement, Philadelphia (Fr. 1937C*)
2003 $2 Replacement, Cleveland (Fr. 1937D*)
2003 $2 Replacement, Richmond (Fr. 1937E*)
2003 $2 Replacement, Atlanta (Fr. 1937F*)
2003 $2 Replacement, Chicago (Fr. 1937G*)
2003 $2 Replacement, St. Louis (Fr. 1937H*)
2003 $2 Minneapolis (Fr. 1937I)
2003 $2 Replacement, Minneapolis (Fr. 1937I* )
2003 $2 Replacement, Kansas City (Fr. 1937J*)
2003 $2 Replacement, Dallas (Fr. 1937K*)

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2003 $2 Replacement, San Francisco (Fr. 1937L*)
2003A $2 New York (Fr. 1938B)
2003A $2 Richmond (Fr. 1938E)
2003A $2 Kansas City (Fr. 1938J)
2003A $2 San Francisco (Fr. 1938L)

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