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Greysheet & CPG® PRICE GUIDE

About This Series

The Greysheet Catalog (GSID) of the Twenty-Five Cents (1853–1882) series of California Fractional Gold in the U.S. Coins contains 280 distinct entries with CPG® values between $195.00 and $108,000.00.
Issued in round and octagonal shapes and three denominations of 25-cents, 50-cents, and one-dollar. These small gold issues are intricate miniatures of large gold coins yet no bigger than the size of a fingernail, and were struck to fill a void of circulating coinage in the territory. There are approximately 590 different varieties of the three denominations cataloged in the Breen-Gillio (BG) reference guide.

Catalog Detail

  Twenty-Five Cents (1853–1882) Value Range Favorite
Twenty-Five Cents (1853–1882) Value Range  
1853 25c BG-101 MS
$455 - $4,150
1853 25c BG-102 MS
$230.00 - $900
1854 25c BG-103 MS
$108,000 - $108,000
1854 25c BG-104 MS
$230.00 - $1,000
1854 25c BG-105 MS
$230.00 - $2,050
1855/4 25c BG-106 MS
$275 - $1,500
1856 25c BG-107 MS
$230.00 - $1,250
1854 25c BG-108 MS
$230.00 - $775

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1854 25c BG-109 MS
$360 - $1,500
1855 25c BG-110 MS
$240.00 - $2,750
1856 25c BG-111 MS
$230.00 - $850
Cal. Gold 25c BG-201 MS
$3,250 - $6,250
Cal. Gold 25c BG-202 MS
$775 - $5,750
Cal. Gold 25c BG-203 MS
$775 - $1,500
Cal. Gold 25c BG-204 MS
$430 - $1,250
Cal. Gold 25c BG-204A MS
Cal. Gold 25c BG-204B MS
Cal. Gold 25c BG-204C MS
$24,000 - $24,000
Cal. Gold 25c BG-205 MS
$2,500 - $4,400
Cal. Gold 25c BG-206 MS
$340 - $2,500
Cal. Gold 25c BG-207 MS
$455 - $650
1853 25c BG-208 MS
$2,000 - $5,000
1853 25c BG-209 MS
$1,650 - $7,000

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Cal. Gold 25c BG-209A MS
$33,000 - $33,000
Cal. Gold 25c BG-209B MS
$36,000 - $36,000
1853 25c BG-210 MS
$2,250 - $3,250
1853 25c BG-211 MS
1853 25c BG-212 MS
1853 25c BG-213 MS
$24,000 - $24,000
1853 25c BG-214 MS
$2,250 - $6,250
1853 25c BG-215 MS
$1,750 - $5,750
1854 25c BG-216 MS
$390 - $1,400
1853 25c BG-217 MS
1853 25c BG-217A MS
1853 25c BG-218 MS
$2,050 - $2,500
1853 25c BG-219 MS
$2,250 - $2,250
1854 25c BG-220 MS
Cal. Gold 25c BG-221 MS
$260 - $1,000

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Cal. Gold 25c BG-222 MS
$195.00 - $2,150
Cal. Gold 25c BG-223 MS
$230.00 - $650
Cal. Gold 25c BG-224 MS
$235.00 - $650
1855 25c BG-225 MS
$950 - $1,750
1855 25c BG-226 MS
$390 - $2,500
1855 25c BG-226A MS
$390 - $1,000
1855 25c BG-227 MS
$455 - $3,500
1856 25c BG-228 MS
$1,200 - $8,250
1856 25c BG-229 MS
$230.00 - $900
1856 25c BG-230 MS
$230.00 - $775
1859 25c BG-701 MS
$525 - $850
1859 25c BG-702 MS
$195.00 - $1,200
1859 25c BG-703 MS
1856 25c BG-703A MS
$5,000 - $6,250
1859 25c BG-704 MS
$650 - $650

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1859 25c BG-705 MS
$875 - $2,650
1864 25c BG-706 MS
$390 - $1,300
1864 25c BG-707 MS
$1,750 - $3,250
1866 25c BG-708 MS
$340 - $1,900
1867 25c BG-709 MS
$340 - $2,250
1868 25c BG-710 MS
$360 - $3,150
1868 25c BG-711 MS
$340 - $1,500
1869 25c BG-712 MS
$340 - $1,700
1870 25c BG-713 MS
$340 - $1,900
1871 25c BG-714 MS
$295 - $3,750
1871 25c BG-715 MS
$900 - $3,000
1871 25c BG-716 MS
$775 - $4,050
1871 25c BG-716A MS
1871 25c BG-717 MS
$285 - $5,500
1871 25c BG-718 MS
$775 - $1,250

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1871 25c BG-718A MS
$7,500 - $9,500
1871 25c BG-719 MS
1871 25c BG-720 MS
$1,750 - $2,800
1872 25c BG-721 MS
1872 25c BG-721A MS
1872 25c BG-722, Washington Head MS
$900 - $4,400
1872 25c BG-723, Washington Head MS
$1,450 - $3,500
1872 25c BG-724, Washington Head MS
$1,550 - $2,800
1872 25c BG-725 MS
$325 - $1,400
1872 25c BG-726 MS
$325 - $1,400
1873 25c BG-727 MS
$240.00 - $875
1873 25c BG-728 MS
$260 - $2,250
1860 25c BG-729 MS
1860 25c BG-730 MS
$390 - $725
1860 25c BG-731 MS
$360 - $725

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1860 25c BG-732 MS
$1,250 - $1,250
1863 25c BG-733 MS
$2,900 - $3,250
1863 25c BG-734 MS
$775 - $850
1864 25c BG-735 MS
$295 - $775
1865/4 25c BG-736 MS
$390 - $1,550
1866 25c BG-737 MS
$360 - $1,100
1866 25c BG-738 MS
$1,450 - $1,450
1866 25c BG-739 MS
1866 25c BG-740 MS
$390 - $1,150
1867 25c BG-741 MS
$390 - $1,400
1867 25c BG-742 MS
$1,250 - $2,000
1867 25c BG-743 MS
$3,250 - $3,250
1868 25c BG-744 MS
1868 25c BG-745 MS
$360 - $2,750
1868 25c BG-746 MS
$295 - $2,000

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1868 25c BG-747 MS
$260 - $550
1869 25c BG-748 MS
$260 - $525
1869 25c BG-749 MS
$260 - $1,100
1869 25c BG-750 MS
$260 - $1,550
1869 25c BG-751 MS
$260 - $455
1870 25c BG-752 MS
$260 - $1,000
1870 25c BG-753 MS
$390 - $775
1870 25c BG-754 MS
$1,100 - $3,250
1870 25c BG-755 MS
$260 - $455
1870 25c BG-756 MS
$950 - $950
1870 25c BG-757 MS
$650 - $1,150
1870 25c BG-758 MS
$1,900 - $15,000
1870 25c BG-759 MS
$260 - $850
1870 25c BG-760 MS
$1,550 - $6,250
1870 25c BG-761 MS
$260 - $850

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1870 25c BG-762 MS
$260 - $1,150
1870 25c BG-763 MS
$260 - $1,150
1871 25c BG-764 MS
$295 - $1,250
1871 25c BG-765 MS
$260 - $1,000
1871 25c BG-766 MS
1871 25c BG-767 MS
$260 - $850
1871 25c BG-768 MS
$260 - $1,150
1871 25c BG-769 MS
$260 - $650
1871 25c BG-770 MS
$260 - $850
1871 25c BG-771 MS
$295 - $1,000
1873 25c BG-772 MS
$295 - $1,000
1874 25c BG-773 MS
1874 25c BG-774 MS
1874 25c BG-775 MS
$295 - $1,000
1874/7874 25c BG-776 MS
$260 - $1,650

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1875 25c BG-777 MS
$725 - $1,500
1876 25c BG-778 MS
$1,100 - $2,500
1876 25c BG-779 MS
$2,500 - $2,500
1876 25c BG-780 MS
$260 - $850
1875 25c BG-781 MS
1875 25c BG-782 MS
1875 25c BG-783 MS
$260 - $650
1875 25c BG-784 MS
$260 - $1,650
1876 25c BG-785 MS
$260 - $3,750
1876 25c BG-786 MS
$295 - $1,000
1876 25c BG-787 MS
1881 25c BG-788 MS
$650 - $3,150
1870 25c BG-789 MS
$260 - $850
1872/1 25c BG-790 MS
$260 - $850
1872 25c BG-791 MS
$260 - $1,350

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1873/2 25c BG-792 MS
$1,150 - $2,050
1873 25c BG-793 MS
$260 - $650
1873 25c BG-794 MS
$260 - $2,400
1874 25c BG-795 MS
$260 - $1,450
1875 25c BG-796 MS
$260 - $650
1875 25c BG-797 MS
$260 - $850
1875 25c BG-798 MS
$260 - $650
1876 25c BG-799 MS
$295 - $1,000
1876 25c BG-799A MS
$295 - $1,000
1876 25c BG-799B MS
$15,000 - $15,000
1876 25c BG-799C MS
$260 - $3,500
1876 25c BG-799D MS
$295 - $1,000
1876 25c BG-799E MS
$2,400 - $2,400
1876 25c BG-799F MS
$295 - $1,000
1878/6 25c BG-799G MS
$525 - $1,000

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1880/70 25c BG-799H MS
$295 - $1,000
1880/70 25c BG-799I MS
$295 - $1,000
1880 25c BG-799J MS
$260 - $2,000
1880 25c BG-799K MS
$295 - $5,750
1880 25c BG-799L MS
$260 - $650
1881 25c BG-799M MS
$260 - $1,150
1881 25c BG-799N MS
$1,200 - $1,750
1881 25c BG-799O MS
$260 - $3,750
1874 25c BG-799P MS
1874 25c BG-799Q MS
$260 - $4,400
1868 25c BG-799R MS
$2,000 - $2,650
1868 25c BG-799S MS
$2,200 - $3,250
1868 25c BG-799T MS
$260 - $1,550
1852 25c BG-799U MS
$260 - $1,150
1852 25c BG-799V MS
$2,500 - $2,500

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1880 25c BG-799W MS
$900 - $1,100
1880 25c BG-799X MS
$365 - $3,250
1880 25c BG-799X MS PL
$525 - $3,600
1880 25c BG-799Y MS
$260 - $725
1881 25c BG-799Z MS
1881 25c BG-799AA MS
$2,000 - $2,500
1881 25c BG-799BB MS
$575 - $1,150
1882 25c BG-799CC MS
$1,250 - $3,250
1852 25c BG-799DD MS
$3,750 - $3,750
1874 25c BG-799EE MS
1874 25c BG-799P2 MS
1858 25c BG-800 MS
1859 25c BG-801 MS
$260 - $2,650
1865 25c BG-802 MS
$260 - $1,250
1865 25c BG-803 MS
$260 - $950
1866 25c BG-804 MS
$260 - $1,900

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1867 25c BG-805 MS
$260 - $575
1868 25c BG-806 MS
$260 - $1,500
1870 25c BG-807 MS
$575 - $1,900
1870 25c BG-808 MS
$260 - $1,250
1870 25c BG-808A MS
1871 25c BG-809 MS
$260 - $1,550
1871 25c BG-810 MS
$1,150 - $1,150
1871 25c BG-811 MS
1871 25c BG-812 MS
$260 - $2,650
1871 25c BG-813 MS
$260 - $725
1872 25c BG-814 MS
$1,750 - $1,750
1872 25c BG-815 MS
$2,800 - $3,750
1872 25c BG-816 MS
$425 - $2,250
1873 25c BG-817 MS
$260 - $1,750
1872 25c BG-818, Washington Head MS
$850 - $5,750

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1860/50 25c BG-819 MS
$360 - $900
1863 25c BG-820 MS
$325 - $900
1864 25c BG-821 MS
$260 - $850
1865 25c BG-822 MS
$230.00 - $525
1866 25c BG-823 MS
$1,250 - $2,500
1866 25c BG-824 MS
$455 - $725
1867 25c BG-825 MS
$230.00 - $525
1869 25c BG-826 MS
$230.00 - $650
1869 25c BG-827 MS
$230.00 - $650
1869 25c BG-828 MS
$230.00 - $525
1869 25c BG-829 MS
$260 - $1,550
1869 25c BG-830 MS
$325 - $490
1869 25c BG-831 MS
1870 25c BG-832 MS
$390 - $1,250
1870 25c BG-833 MS
$390 - $1,250

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(1871-71) 25c BG-834 MS
$260 - $650
1870 25c BG-835 MS
$260 - $550
1870 25c BG-835A MS
$1,900 - $3,750
1870 25c BG-836 MS
$4,750 - $4,750
1871 25c BG-837 MS
$950 - $2,500
1871 25c BG-838 MS
$235.00 - $775
1871 25c BG-839 MS
$230.00 - $775
1871 25c BG-840 MS
$230.00 - $650
1871 25c BG-841 MS
$230.00 - $650
1873 25c BG-842 MS
$625 - $2,250
1874 25c BG-843 MS
$575 - $1,000
1874 25c BG-844 MS
$295 - $650
1874 25c BG-845 MS
$575 - $1,000
1875 25c BG-846 MS
$470 - $1,250
1875 25c BG-847 MS
$230.00 - $950

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1875 25c BG-848 MS
$1,000 - $2,000
1876 25c BG-849 MS
$325 - $490
1876 25c BG-850 MS
$455 - $950
1876 25c BG-851 MS
$1,400 - $1,400
1876 25c BG-852 MS
$325 - $900
1876 25c BG-853 MS
$325 - $1,250
1881 25c BG-853A MS
1876 25c BG-854 MS
$325 - $1,250
1876 25c BG-855 MS
$1,250 - $5,000
1876 25c BG-856 MS
$1,750 - $2,300
1871 25c BG-856A MS
1871 25c BG-857 MS
$230.00 - $1,000
1871 25c BG-859 MS
$575 - $950
1871 25c BG-860 MS
$390 - $575
1871 25c BG-861 MS
$340 - $1,250

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1871 25c BG-862 MS
$650 - $3,150
1871 25c BG-864 MS
$325 - $1,200
1871 25c BG-864A MS
$7,500 - $7,500
1871 25c BG-865 MS
$325 - $950
1864 25c BG-866 MS
$325 - $1,900
1870 25c BG-867 MS
$230.00 - $1,250
1872/1 25c BG-868 MS
$230.00 - $1,150
1872/1 25c BG-869 MS
$230.00 - $1,750
1872/1 25c BG-870 MS
$230.00 - $1,150
1873 25c BG-871 MS
$775 - $1,200
1873 25c BG-872 MS
$325 - $950
1873 25c BG-873 MS
1873 25c BG-874 MS
$775 - $1,400
1874 25c BG-875 MS
$260 - $1,500
1874 25c BG-876 MS
$230.00 - $1,200

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1875 25c BG-877 MS
$325 - $490
1875 25c BG-878 MS
$230.00 - $1,700
1876 25c BG-879 MS
$230.00 - $850
1876 25c BG-880 MS
$455 - $1,550
1876 25c BG-881 MS
$325 - $2,000
1876 25c BG-882 MS
$1,000 - $2,000
1878/6 25c BG-883 MS
$230.00 - $1,450
1878/6 25c BG-884 MS
$325 - $900
1880/76 25c BG-885 MS
$260 - $1,250
1881 25c BG-886 MS
$325 - $6,250
1881 25c BG-887 MS
$230.00 - $6,250
1874 25c BG-888 MS
$325 - $1,650
1868 25c BG-889 MS
$230.00 - $1,400
1868 25c BG-890 MS
$725 - $2,500
1852 25c BG-891 MS
$230.00 - $650

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1881 25c BG-893 MS

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Greysheet Catalog Details

The Greysheet Catalog (GSID) of the Twenty-Five Cents (1853–1882) series of California Fractional Gold in the U.S. Coins contains 280 distinct entries with CPG® values between $195.00 and $108,000.00.
Issued in round and octagonal shapes and three denominations of 25-cents, 50-cents, and one-dollar. These small gold issues are intricate miniatures of large gold coins yet no bigger than the size of a fingernail, and were struck to fill a void of circulating coinage in the territory. There are approximately 590 different varieties of the three denominations cataloged in the Breen-Gillio (BG) reference guide.

Catalog Detail